• ME423: Introduction to Nanotechnology, Undergraduate senior-level, Fall Semesters
• ME568: Ceramic Materials, Graduate, Spring Semesters
• ME597: Fundamentals of 2D Materials, Graduate, Spring 2022
Beyond Teaching
NanoArtography: Science Image Competition
NanoArtography is an international science image competition that combines nanoscience and art. The competition is open to everyone. NanoArtography was created and is organized by Prof. Anasori.
Every year of the competition has garnered over 100 submissions, and researchers from over 20 different countries submit images of their research to illustrate what they are studying and showcase its beauty.
The annual submission deadline is September 30th and the winners are announced in November of that year.
You can go to NanoArtography.org to learn more about the competition.
SciVid: Science in Video Competition
Science in Video (SciVid) seeks scientists to develop high-impact two-minute videos to generate a broader interest in materials science while competing for recognition and prizes. SciVid seeks videos that can teach, explain, amaze, amuse or fascinate! The only thing the video shouldn’t do is sell or promote a commercial product, facility or service. SciVid is open to anyone who is interested in creating a high-impact video that will generate public interest in the field of materials science.
Why SciVid and two-minute videos on YouTube?
To bring public interest in what we do in our labs as materials scientists and engineers. Materials science and engineering is not a new field of study. From the Stone Age to today’s nanotech era, the quality and even the length of our lives have depended on our ability to manipulate the materials around us. Yet to the general public, materials science and engineering is still among the least known majors. One way to educate and engage the public is through short instructive videos on YouTube and other social media platforms.
SciVid 2019 Winners
The third Science in Video (SciVid) competition, created and chaired by Prof. Anasori, was held at the MRS Fall 2019 Meeting in Boston, MA. The Awards Ceremony was on Wednesday, Dec. 4th. SciVid 2019 top videos and winners are posted on MRS YouTube Channel. [link].

SciVid 2018 Winners
The 2nd Science in Video (SciVid) competition was held at the MRS Fall 2018 Meeting in Boston, MA. SciVid 2018 top videos and winners are posted on MRS YouTube Channel. [link].

SciVid 2017 Winners
The 1st Science in Video (SciVid) competition was held at the MRS Fall 2017 Meeting in Boston, MA. SciVid 2017 top videos and winners are posted on MRS YouTube Channel. [link].

Early-Career Professionals Subcommittee at MRS
The Early-Career Professionals Subcommittee (ECPSC) was established in 2019 to expand the early careers involvement at the MRS and to bring new events that can benefit early-career scientists. Prof. Anasori is the inaugural chair of the ECPSC. Despite the difficulties of COVID, ECSC has been very active since its initiation and has organized multiple events, workshops, and webinars. Below are some of the events organized by the MRS ECSC since 2019:
Meet Your New Faculty Candidate – Poster Session
This event is an opportunity for faculty candidates to showcase their research in a poster session while networking with recruiters and search committees. It is held at the MRS Fall Meetings in Boston and virtual since 2019.
MRS TV Interview for the Meet Your New Faculty Candidate – Poster Session 2021
MRS TV Interview for the Meet Your New Faculty Candidate – Poster Session 2019
Webinar Series: How to Land a Faculty Position—From Application to Interview
The Early Careers Subcommittee of MRS organized a three-part webinar series on the faculty application steps in the summer of 2020. The three parts can be watched on YouTube:
Part 1: The Academic Market in Europe [Link]
Part 2: Research-Intensive Academic Positions in the U.S. [Link]
Part 3: Primarily Undergraduate Institutions [Link]
Understanding the Needs of Early-Careers
The Early Careers Subcommittee of MRS published an article in the November issue of MRS Bulletin about supporting and understanding the needs of early careers [Link].

Impact of Professional Societies Involvement on Career Development
The Early Careers Subcommittee and Student Subcommittee of MRS published an article in the April issue of MRS Bulletin about the impact of service activities in professional societies on career progression [Link].

365-24-7 Presentations and Unexpected Discoveries
365-24-7 Presentations
The 365-24-7 Presentation Competition, designed by Prof. Anasori, is a set of three presentations geared to prepare students for a variety of presentations, ranging from a conference presentation to an elevator pitch, or even shorter. Students present their research first in a 365 second (~ 6min) presentation, then present it in a 24s presentation (elevator speech) and prepare to use a 7s presentation promoting the most important aspect of their research (first impression). Following each presentation, students were judged by their peers on a 1-10 scale on the quality of their talk, clarity, and ability to communicate their research topic. The first two competition series were held at the A. J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute of Prof. Gogotsi.

Unexpected Discoveries Presentations
The Unexpected Discoveries, created by Prof. Anasori, is a presentation competition to promote critical thinking and encourage thinking outside the box about research. The competition consists of a < 10-minute presentation about how lab research can solve daily problems. It encourages students to speculate about the undiscovered potential applications of the research and practice to be more creative with their undesired results. The first two competition series were held at the A. J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute of Prof. Gogotsi.

Materials in Music
To motivate more outside-the-box thinking, Materials in Music aims to encourage students to look for song lyrics that are somehow related to ​materials science and engineering. It is up to the student's imagination to relate the song to materials science, followed by finding scientific explanations to discuss whether the song makes sense in the world of materials science or not! Students play the song first and then explain the speculated science behind it! Materials in Music has been held at the A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute and also as a part of the extracurricular activity of Prof. Anasori's ME423, Introduction to Nanotechnology, class (called Nano in Music).
Below are some examples of students' descriptions of their song selections and how they related it to science.
Mohammad Mohd Sabri (B.Sc., ME, IUPUI), “Diamonds” by Rihanna
The song that I chose for my Nano music presentation is Diamonds by Rihanna and the lyric that caught my attention was “shine bright like a diamond.” First of all, let’s compare the brightness of a diamond with the brightness of a flame. The famous scientist, Michael Faraday said “you have the glittering beauty of gold and silver, and still higher luster of jewels, like the ruby and diamond; but none of these rival the brilliancy and beauty of flame. What diamond can shine like the flame?” He was contrasting the brightness of the diamonds to flame. The brightness of diamonds doesn’t hold a candle brightness of a candle flame. Well, diamonds do not shine in the dark because it needs light. However, the hydrocarbons within the flame start getting burned at the base as they travel up the flame (due to heat rising, presumably) they form the types of carbon. In this case, the formation of tiny nanodiamonds is being produced at a rate of 1.5 million per second. Those continue up to the flame while the combustion continues, and they burned up in the flame and are released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. The flame itself uses the help of many particles of nanodiamonds to obtain its shine although it manages to create a light of its own. It is ironic because at the time Michael Faraday didn’t know that nanodiamonds play an important role in candle flames and their brightness. Also, it is best if Rihanna changes the lyric from “shine bright like a diamond” to “shine bright like nanodiamonds” since flame gives out light with the help of millions of nanodiamond particles that are being created in the process of the flame. These clusters of nanodiamonds give up a much brighter light than the light of a single diamond.
Listen to "Diamonds" on Youtube and keep signing "shine bright like nanodiamonds"!
Nicole Rivera (B.Sc., ME, IUPUI), "Thunderclouds" by LSD
I chose the song Thunderclouds by the group LSD as the name of this song reminded me of electron clouds. Two lyrics that stood out to me were the word “thunderclouds” and “all I need is one”. Thunder clouds are full of energy that can be released by emitting lightning, just as electrons emit photons to release their excess energy. An electron needs a photon to go to the excited state which can be related to the lyric “all I need is one”!
Listen to "Thunderclouds" on Youtube and think about the electron and photon interactions!
Samantha Buczek (PhD, MSE, Drexel), "Madiba Riddim" by Drake:
The song I chose for my presentation was Madiba Riddim by Drake and the lyric that caught my attention was “my heart is way too frozen to get broken”. Although we all understand what this line means figuratively, I wanted to show why it does not make sense from a material science perspective. To do this I referred to a property known as the glass transition temperature (Tg). The Tg describes the temperature region where a polymer, such as a collagen (Tg ~ 35°C) that makes up your heart, transitions from hard, glassy material to a soft, rubbery material. There are a lot of proteins and fats that will increase its thermal capacity and make it harder to freeze than pure collagen; however, at low enough temperatures it will freeze and become more susceptible to fracture. Therefore, I took the liberty of revising the lyrics for Drake: “my heart is way too…above the glass transition temperature of collagen to fracture brittlely.”
Kathleen Maleski (PhD, MSE, Drexel), "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons:
Radioactivity is often viewed with a negative connotation in the scientific world due to the adverse health effects it can impose. In my Music Festival presentation, I chose the song “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons. In my opinion, the lyrics portray two significant ages: the Old Age (the unstable age) and the New Age (the stable age). The Old Age lyrics are degraded, signifying the unstable quality of this time and supporting the negative meaning of the word "radioactivity". The lyrics are made of words such as ash, dust, chemicals, and apocalypse. In contrast, the lyrics transform throughout the song to words that are alive, bright and motivating, suggesting the birth of something new from the ashes of something old.
Patrick Urbankowski (PhD, MSE, Drexel), "Crystalline" by Björk:
This song came from Björk album Biophilia, and each song on this album is related to science (biology, physics, geology, astronomy, and in this case, materials science). In this song, the lyrics, she mentions crystals growing, in Earth's core, and later mentions quartz.
So, with this presentation, I aimed to investigate whether quartz is growing in Earth's core. The core must have cooled by 1000 °C since its formation 4.5 billion years ago, an amount of cooling that would be necessary to sustain the geomagnetic field unless there was another source of energy available. The composition of Earth's core is mostly iron and nickel, however, researchers at Tokyo Institute of Technology have also predicted trace elements of other elements, including silicon and oxygen, to be present.
Researchers have simulated the pressures and temperatures at Earth's core to determine if phases like quartz, SiO2, can exist in the core. Determining that quartz can be present could solve the paradox of an energy source of Earth's magnetic field.
This album is a great example of fusing together art and science, and it was the artist's goal to educate listeners about different branches of science through these tracks. Furthermore, each song on the album was released as an interactive iPad app with a related science demo for each track, the first album to ever do such a thing.