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Image: MXene Library by M. Ghidiu, NanoArtography 2016 winner




B. C Wyatt, M. G Boebinger, Z.D Hood, S. Adhikari, P. P. Michałowski, S. K. Nemani, M.G. Muraleedharan, A. Bedford, W. J Highland, P. RC Kent, R. R Unocic, B. Anasori

Alkali cation stabilization of defects in 2D MXenes at ambient and elevated temperatures

Nature Communications 6353 (2024) - [DOI]


A. Thakur, W. Highland, B. C Wyatt, J. Xu, N. Chandran, B. Zhang, Z. Hood, S. Adhikari, E. Oveisi, B. Pacakova, F. Vega, J. Simon, C. Fruhling, B. Reigle, M. Asadi, V. Shalaev, A. Boltasseva, T. Beechem, C. Liu, B. Anasori

Theory-guided synthesis of a 2D tungsten titanium MXene from a covalently bonded layered carbide for electrocatalysis

ChemRxiv  (2024) - [DOI]


G. Xie, L. Liao, J. Wang, P. Zhang, B. Xu, X. Xie, C. Chen, B. Anasori, N. Zhang

Strong support effect induced by MXene for the synthesis of metal sulfides nanosheet arrays with sulfur vacancies towards selective CO2-to-CO photoreduction

Science Bulletin 7-26 (2024) - [DOI]


H. Fang, A. Thakur, A. Zahmatkeshsaredorahi, Z. Fang, V. Rad,  AA  Shamsabadi, C. Pereyra, M. Soroush, A. M Rappe, X. G Xu, B. Anasori, Z. Fakhraai

Stabilizing Ti3C2Tx MXene flakes in air by removing confined water

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences e2400084121 (2024) - [DOI]


J. Patenaude, B. C Wyatt, S. K. Nemani, B. Anasori

A generalized and scalable self-assembly method of 2D carbides to metal powders

MRS Advances 1-6 (2024) - [DOI]


Z. Zandi, M. Rastgar, M. Mohseni, M.D. Firouzjaei, W. Dilokekunakul, B. Anasori, C.D. Vecitis, R.Keller, M.Wessling, M.Elliott, A. Rahimpour, M. Sadrzadeh

Electro‐Conductive Ti3C2 MXene Multilayered Membranes: Dye Removal and Antifouling Performance

Advanced Functional Materials 2401970 (2024) - [DOI]


Anupma Thakur, Babak Anasori

Accelerating 2D materials discovery

Science 1182-1183 (2024) - Direct open-access link [DOI]


Andreas Rosenkranz, B Wang, D Zambrano, J M Henríquez, J Y A-Hurtado, E Marquis, P Restuccia, B C Wyatt, M C  Righi, Babak Anasori

Solid-lubrication performance of Ti3C2Tx-Effect of tribo-chemistry and exfoliation

Materials Today Nano 100464 (2024) [DOI]


Ken Aldren S Usman, J Zhang, K P Marquez, Mia Angela N Judicpa, P A Lynch, Annabelle Bedford, Babak Anasori, Joselito M Razal

Recent Advances and Opportunities in MXene-based Liquid Crystals

InfoMat e12516 (2024) [DOI]


2023 Papers


Rabia Ahmad, Naseem Iqbal, Tayyaba Noor, Srinivasa Kartik Nemani, Likun Zhu, Babak Anasori

Metal–Organic Framework/Ti3C2Tx MXene-Derived Functional Nanostructures for High-Performance Supercapacitors

ACS Applied Nano Materials 253-266 (2023) [DOI]


Brian C Wyatt, Srinivasa Kartik Nemani, Gregory E Hilmas, Elizabeth J Opila, Babak Anasori

Ultra-high temperature ceramics for extreme environments

Nature Reviews Materials 1-17 (2023)  - Direct open-access link[DOI]


Babak Anasori, Yury Gogotsi

The global expansion of MXenes

Graphene and 2D Materials 1-3 (2023) [DOI]


J Wait, G Josephson, B C Wyatt, B Anasori, A Çolak

Environmentally stable nanoscale superlubricity of multi-layered Ti3C2Tx MXene

Carbon 118284 (2023) [DOI]


KA Mazzio, I Sengupta, AA Murthy, Z D Hood, D M Lutz, B Anasori

Critical parameters in the faculty application process: A data-driven analysis

MRS Bulletin  (2023) [DOI]


AA Shamsabadi, H Fang, D Zhang, A Thakur, CY Chen, A Zhang, H Wang, B Anasori, M Soroush, Y Gogotsi, Z Fakhraai

The Evolution of MXenes Conductivity and Optical Properties Upon Heating in Air

Small Methods, 2300568 (2023) [DOI]


Y Li, X Feng, W Y Lieu, L Fu, C Zhang, T Ghosh, A Thakur, B C Wyatt, B Anasori, W Liu, Q Zhang, J Lu, Z W Seh

MXene‐Based Anode‐Free Magnesium Metal Battery

Advanced Functional Materials 2303067 (2023) [DOI]


M Zeng, Y Du, Q Jiang, N Kempf, C Wei, M V Bimrose, ANM Tanvir, HXu, J Chen, D J Kirsch, J Martin, B C Wyatt, T Hayashi, M S Javash, H Sakaue, B Anasori, L Jin, M D. McMurtrey, Y Zhang

High-throughput printing of combinatorial materials from aerosols

Nature  617, 7960 (2023) [DOI]


A Thakur, N Chandran BS, K Davidson, A Bedford, H Fang, Y Im, V Kanduri, B C Wyatt, S K Nemani, V Poliukhova, R Kumar, Z Fakhraai, B Anasori

Step‐by‐Step Guide for Synthesis and Delamination of Ti3C2Tx MXene

Small Methods 2300030 (2023) [DOOI][DOI]


MD Firouzjaei, SK Nemani, M Sadrzadeh, EK Wujcik, M Elliott, B Anasori

Life Cycle Assessment of Ti3C2Tx MXene Synthesis 

Advanced Materials 2300422 (2023) [DOI]


O Niksan, BC Wyatt, K Khorsand Kazemi, B Anasori, MH Zarifi

MXene Free Standing Films: Unlocking the Impact of Flake Sizes in Microwave Resonant Structures in Humid Environments

Small 2300848 (2023) [DOI]


E Marquis, F Benini, B Anasori, A Rosenkranz, MC Righi

Effect of vacancies and edges in promoting water chemisorption on titanium-based MXenes

Nano Convergence 10,  1, (2023) [DOI]


B Anasori, M Naguib, Guest Editors

Two-dimensional MXenes

MRS Bulletin 1-7, (2023) [DOI]


Y. Li, W. Y. Lieu, T. Ghosh, L. Fu, X. Feng, A. J. Y. Wong, A. Thakur, B. C. Wyatt, B. Anasori, Q. Zhang, H. Y. Yang, Z. W. Seh

Double-Transition-Metal MXene Films Promoting Deeply Rechargeable Magnesium Metal Batteries

Small Methods, 2201598  (2023) [DOI]


SK Nemani, M Torkamanzadeh, BC Wyatt, V Presser, B Anasori

Functional two-dimensional high-entropy materials

Communications Materials 4 (1), 16 (2023) [DOI]


A Rosenkranz, MC Righi, AV Sumant, B Anasori, V N Mochalin

Perspectives of 2D MXene Tribology

Advanced Materials 35 (5), 2207757 (2023) [DOI]


BC Wyatt, A Thakur, K Nykiel, ZD Hood, SP Adhikari, KK Pulley, WJ Highland, A Strachan, B Anasori

Design of Atomic Ordering in Mo2Nb2C3Tx MXenes for Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalysis

Nano Letters 2023, 23, 3, 931–938 (2023) [DOI]


F Seidi, AA Shamsabadi, MD Firouzjaei, M Elliott, MR Saeb, Y Huang, C Li, H Xiao, B Anasori

MXenes Antibacterial Properties and Applications: A Review and Perspective

Small, 2206716 (2023) [DOI]


2022 papers


S Yao, B Anasori, A Strachan

2D rare-earth metal carbides (MXenes) Mo2NdC2T2 electronic structure and magnetic properties: A DFT + U study

Journal of Applied Physics 132 (20), 204301 (2022). [DOI]


B Anasori, Y Gogotsi 

MXenes: Trends, growth, and future directions

Graphene and 2D Materials, 1-5 (2022). [DOI]


W. Y. Lieu, D. Fang, Y. Li, X. L. Li, C. Lin, A. Thakur, B. C. Wyatt, S. Sun, T. Ghosh, B. Anasori, M-F. Ng, H. Y. Yang, Z. W. She

Spherical Templating of CoSe2 Nanoparticle-Decorated MXenes for Lithium–Sulfur Batteries

Nano Letters, 22, 8679-8687 (2022). [DOI]


Z. Leong, H. Jin, Z. M. Wong, K. Nemani, B. Anasori, T. L. Tan

Elucidating the Chemical Order and Disorder in High-Entropy MXenes: A High-Throughput Survey of the Atomic Configurations in TiVNbMoC3 and TiVCrMoC3

Chemistry of Materials, 34, 9062-9071 (2022). [DOI]


A. Ihsan, H.V.D.Brekel, S.K. Nemani, E. Batyrev, A.D.Vooys, H.V.D.Weijde, B.Anasori, N.R.Shiju

Ti3C2Tx MXene Polymer Composites for Anticorrosion: An Overview and Perspective

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14, 43749-43758 (2022)  [DOI]


E. Marquis, M. Cutini, B. Anasori, A. Rosenkranz, M. C. Righi

Nanoscale MXene Interlayer and Substrate Adhesion for Lubrication: A Density Functional Theory Study

ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5, 10516-10527 (2022)  [DOI]


K.R.G. Lim, M. Shekhirev, B.C. Wyatt, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, and Z.W.Seh

Fundamentals of MXene synthesis

Nature Synthesis, 1-14 (2022).  [DOI]



S. A. Zahra, B. Anasori, M. Z. Iqbal, F. Ravaux, M. Al Tarawneh, S. Rizwan

Enhanced electrochemical performance of vanadium carbide MXene composites for supercapacitors

APL Materials, 10, 060901 (2022). [DOI]


M. Dadashi Firouzjaei, M. Karimiziarani, H. Moradkhani, M. Elliott, B. Anasori
MXenes: The two-dimensional influencers

Materials Today Advances, 13, 100202 (2022). [DOI]


2021 papers


S. K. Nemani, B. Zhang, B. C. Wyatt, Z. D. Hood, S. Manna, R. Khaledialidusti, W. Hong, M. G. Sternberg, S. K. R. S. Sankaranarayanan, B. Anasori

High-Entropy 2D Carbide MXenes: TiVNbMoC3 and TiVCrMoC3

ACS Nano, 15, 12815–12825 (2021). [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (May-June 2022).


B. C. Wyatt, S. K. Nemani, B. Anasori

2D Transition Metal Carbides (MXenes) in Metal and Ceramic Matrix Composites

Nano Convergence, 8, 16 (2021).  [DOI]


B. C. Wyatt, A. Rosenkranz, B. Anasori

2D MXenes: Tunable Mechanical and Tribological Properties

Advanced Materials, 33, 2007973 (2021).  [DOI] [Download Manuscript pdf]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (May-June 2022).


B. C. Wyatt, S. K. Nemani, K. Desai, H. Kaur, B. Zhang, B. Anasori
High-Temperature Stability and Phase Transformations of Titanium Carbide (Ti3C2Tx) MXene

J. Physics: Condensed Matter, 33, 224002 (2021). [DOI] [Download Manuscript pdf]

Emerging Leaders 2020


J. T. Lee, B. C. Wyatt, G. A. Davis Jr, A. N. Masterson, A. L. Pagan, A. Shah, B. Anasori, R. Sardar

Covalent Surface Modification of Ti3C2Tx MXene with Chemically Active Polymeric Ligands Producing Highly Conductive and Ordered Microstructure Films

ACS Nano, 15, 19600-19612 (2021).  [DOI]


G. Li, B. C. Wyatt, F. Song, C. Yu, Z. Wu, X. Xie, B. Anasori, N. Zhang

2D Titanium Carbide (MXene) Based Films: Expanding the Frontier of Functional Film Materials

Advanced Functional Materials, 2105043 (2021). [DOI]


M. Bandar Abadi, R. Weissing, M. Wilhelm, Y. Demidov, J. Auer, S. Ghazanfari, B. Anasori, S. Mathur, H. Maleki 

Nacre-Mimetic, Mechanically Flexible, and Electrically Conductive Silk Fibroin-MXene Composite Foams as Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13, 34996-35007 (2021).  [DOI]


M. Marian, K. Feile, B. Rothammer , M. Bartz, S. Wartzack, A. Seynstahl, S. Tremmel, S. Krau, B. Merle, T. Böhm, B. Wang, B C. Wyatt, B. Anasori, A. Rosenkranz

Ti3C2 Solid Lubricant Coatings in Rolling Bearings with Remarkable Performance beyond state-of-the-art Materials

Applied Materials Today, 25, p.101202 (2021)  [DOI]


M Rasel, A. Jafar, B. Wyatt, M. Wetherington, B. Anasori, A. Haque

Low-temperature annealing of 2D Ti3C2Tx MXene films using electron wind force in ambient conditions

Journal of Materials Research, 36, 3398-3406 (2021)  [DOI]


P. G. Grützmacher, S. Suarez, A. Tolosa, C. Gachot, G. Song, B. Wang, V. Presser, F. Mücklich, B. Anasori, A. Rosenkranz

Superior Wear-Resistance of Ti3C2Tx Multilayer Coatings

ACS Nano, 15, 8216-8224 (2021).  [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (May-June 2022).


M. Saeidi-Javash, Y. Du, Mi. Zeng, B. C. Wyatt, B. Zhang, N. Kempf, B. Anasori*, Y. Zhang*

All-Printed MXene–Graphene Nanosheet-Based Bimodal Sensors for Simultaneous Strain and Temperature Sensing

ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 3, 2341-2348 (2021).  [DOI] 


H. Riazi, S. K. Nemani, M. C. Grady, B. Anasori, M. Soroush

Ti3C2 MXene–polymer nanocomposites and their applications

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9, 8051-8090 (2021) [DOI] 


G. Basara, M. Saeidi-Javash, X. Ren, G. Bahcecioglu, B. C. Wyatt, B. Anasori, Y. Zhang, P. Zorlutuna
Electrically conductive 3D printed Ti3C2Tx MXene-PEG composite constructs for cardiac tissue engineering

Acta Biomaterialia, (2021). [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (May-June 2022).


N. H. Attanayake, H. R. Banjade, A. C. Thenuwara, B. Anasori, Q. Yan, D. R. Strongin

Electrocatalytic CO2 reduction on earth abundant 2D Mo2C and Ti3C2 MXenes

Chemical Communications, 57, 1675-1678 (2021). [DOI]


2020 papers


W. Hong, B. C. Wyatt, S. K. Nemani, B. Anasori

Double Transition Metal MXenes: Atomistic Design of Two-dimensional Carbides and Nitrides

MRS Bulletin, 45, 850-861 (2020). [DOI] [Download Manuscript pdf] 


K. R. G. Lim, A. D. Handoko, S. K. Nemani, B. Wyatt, H-Y. Jiang, J. Tang, B. Anasori*, Z. W. She*

Rational Design of Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Carbide/Nitride (MXene) Hybrids and Nanocomposites for Catalytic Energy Storage and Conversion

ACS Nano, 14, 10834-10864 (2020)[DOI]

Hot Paper on Web of Science (May-June2022).

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (May-June2022).


K. Hantanasirisakul, B. Anasori*, S. Nemsak, J. L. Hart, J. Wu, Y. Yang, R. V. Chopdekar, P. Shafer, A. F. May, E. J. Moon, J. Zhou, Q. Zhang, M. L. Taheri, S. J. May, Y. Gogotsi*
Evidence of a magnetic transition in atomically thin Cr2TiC2Tx MXene

Nanoscale Horizons, 5, 1557-1565 (2020). [DOI]


D. Pinto, B. Anasori, H. Avireddy, C. E. Shuck, K. Hantanasirisakul, G. Deysher, J. R. Morante, W. Porzio, H. N. Alshareef, Y. Gogotsi
Synthesis and electrochemical properties of 2D molybdenum vanadium carbides–solid solution MXenes

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8, 8957-8968 (2020). [DOI]


C. B. Hatter, A. Sarycheva, A. Levitt, B. Anasori, L. Nataraj, Y. Gogotsi
Electrically Conductive MXene-Coated Glass Fibers for Damage Monitoring in Fiber-Reinforced Composites

C, 6, 64 (2020). [DOI]


K. R. G. Lim, A. D. Handoko, L. R. Johnson, X. Meng, M. Lin, G. S. Subramanian, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, A. Vojvodic, Z. W. Seh
2H-MoS2 on Mo2CTx MXene Nanohybrid for Efficient and Durable Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution

ACS Nano, 14, 16140-16155 (2020). [DOI]


A. D. Handoko, H. Chen, Y. Lum, Q. Zhang, B. Anasori*, Z. W. Seh*

Two-dimensional Titanium and Molybdenum Carbide MXenes as Electrocatalysts for CO2 Reduction

iScience, 23, 101181 (2020). [DOI]


R. Khaledialidusti*, B. Anasori*, A. Barnoush​
Temperature-dependent Mechanical Properties of 2D Tin+1CnO2 (n = 1, 2) MXene Monolayers: A First-principles Study

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22, 3414-3424 (2020). [DOI]


M. Anayee, N. Kurra, M. Alhabeb, M. Seredych, M. N. Hedhili, A-H. Emwas, H. N. Alshareef, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi
Role of acid mixtures etching on the surface chemistry and sodium ion storage in Ti3C2Tx MXene

Chemical Communications, 56, 6090-6093 (2020). [DOI]


X. Wang, M. Salari, D. Jiang, J. C. Varela, B. Anasori, D. J. Wesolowski, S. Dai, M.W. Grinstaff, Y. Gogotsi
Electrode Material–ionic Liquid Coupling for Electrochemical Energy Storage

Nature Reviews Materials 5, 787-808 (2020). [DOI]


N. Sun, Z. Guan, Q. Zhu, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, B. Xu
Enhanced Ionic Accessibility of Flexible MXene Electrodes Produced by Natural Sedimentation

Nano-Micro Letters, 12 (2020). [DOI]


Y. Sliozberg, J. Andzelm, C. B. Hatter, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, A. Hall

Interface Binding and Mechanical Properties of MXene-epoxy Nanocomposites

Composites Science and Technology, 192, 108124 (2020). [DOI]


M. Han, C. E. Shuck, R. Rakhmanov, D. Parchment, B. Anasori, C. Min Koo, G. Friedman, Y. Gogotsi

Beyond Ti3C2Tx: MXenes for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding

ACS Nano, 14, 5008-5016 (2020). [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (May 2021-June 2022).


Y. Yang, K. Hantanasirisakul, N. Frey, B. Anasori, R. Green, P. Rogge, I. Waluyo, A. Hunt, P. Shafer, E. Arenholz, V. B. Shenoy, Y. Gogotsi, S. J. May

Distinguishing electronic contributions of surface and sub-surface transition metal atoms in Ti-based MXenes

2D Materials, 7, 025015 (2020). [DOI]


C. B. Hatter, J. Shah, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi
Micromechanical Response of Two-dimensional Transition Metal Carbonitride (MXene) Reinforced Epoxy Composites

Composites Part B: Engineering, 182, 107603 (2020). [DOI]


A. Al-Temimy, B. Anasori, K. A Mazzio, F. Kronast, M. Seredych, N. Kurra, M-A. Mawass, S.Raoux, Y. Gogotsi, T. Petit​
Enhancement of Ti3C2 MXene Pseudocapacitance After Urea Intercalation Studied by Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124, 5079-5086 (2020).  [DOI]


N. Driscoll, K. Maleski, A. G. Richardson, B. Murphy, B. Anasori, T. H. Lucas, Y. Gogotsi, F. Vitale​
Fabrication of Ti3C2 MXene Microelectrode Arrays for In Vivo Neural Recording

Journal of Visualized Experiments, 156, e60741 (2020).  [DOI]


S. Seyedin, S. Uzun, A. Levitt, B. Anasori, G. Dion, Y. Gogotsi, J. M Razal​
MXene Composite and Coaxial Fibers with High Stretchability and Conductivity for Wearable Strain Sensing Textiles

Advanced Functional Materials, 30, 1910504 (2020).  [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (May 2021-June 2022).


R. G. Mendes, H. Q. Ta, X. Yang, W. Li, A. Bachmatiuk, J‐H. Choi, T. Gemming, B. Anasori, L. Lijun, L. Fu, Z. Liu, M. H. Rümmeli​

In Situ N‐Doped Graphene and Mo Nanoribbon Formation from Mo2Ti2C3 MXene Monolayers

Small, 16, 1907115 (2020).  [DOI]


L. Agartan, K. Hantanasirisakul, S. Buczek, B. Akuzum, K. A Mahmoud, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, E. C. Kumbur​
Influence of Operating Conditions on the Desalination Performance of a Symmetric Pre-conditioned Ti3C2Tx-MXene Membrane Capacitive Deionization System

Desalination, 477, 114267 (2020). [DOI]


Y. Zhou, K. Maleski, B. Anasori, J. O. Thostenson, Y. Pang, Y. Feng, K. Zeng, C. B. Parker, S. Zauscher, Y. Gogotsi, J. T. Glass, C. Cao​

Ti3C2Tx MXene-Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite Electrodes for Stretchable Supercapacitors

ACS Nano, 14, 3576-3586 (2020). [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (May 2021-June 2022).


H. Riazi, M. Anayee, K. Hantanasirisakul, A. Arabi Shamsabadi, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, M. Soroush​
Surface Modification of a MXene by an Aminosilane Coupling Agent

Materials Interfaces, 7, 1902008  (2020).  [DOI]


G. Deysher, C. E. Shuck, K. Hantanasirisakul, N. C. Frey. A. C. Foucher, K. Maleski, A. Sarycheva, V. B. Shenoy, E. A. Stach, B. Anasori*, Y. Gogotsi*
Synthesis of Mo4VAlC4 MAX Phase and Two-Dimensional Mo4VC4 MXene with Five Atomic Layers of Transition Metals

ACS Nano, 14, 204-217 (2010). [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (May 2021-June 2022).


2019 Papers


Y. Gogotsi*, B. Anasori*
The Rise of MXenes

ACS Nano, 13, 8491-8494 (2019). [DOI]

Among the top 20 Most Read Articles on ACS Nano, September 2019 – present.


N. Sun, Q. Zhu, B. Anasori, P. Zhang, H. Liu, Y. Gogotsi, B. Xu
MXene‐Bonded Flexible Hard Carbon Film as Anode for Stable Na/K‐Ion Storage

Advanced Functional Materials, 29, 1906282 (2019). [DOI]


J. D. Cain, A. Azizi, K. Maleski, B. Anasori, E. C. Glazer, P. Y. Kim, Y. Gogotsi, B. A. Helms, T. P. Russell, A. Zettl
Sculpting Liquids with Two-Dimensional Materials: The Assembly of Ti3C2Tx MXene Sheets at Liquid–Liquid Interfaces

ACS Nano, 13, 12385-12392 (2019). [DOI]


M. Q. Zhao, N. Trainor, C. E. Ren, M. Torelli, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi​

Scalable Manufacturing of Large and Flexible Sheets of MXene/Graphene Heterostructures

Advanced Materials Technologies, 4, 1800639 (2019). [DOI]


V. Kamysbayev, N. M. James, A. S. Filatov, V. Srivastava, B. Anasori, H. M. Jaeger, Y. Gogotsi, D. V. Talapin, 

Colloidal Gelation in Liquid Metals Enables Functional Nanocomposites of 2D Metal Carbides (MXenes) and Lightweight Metals

ACS Nano (2019). [DOI]


C. J. Zhang, L. McKeon, M. P. Kremer, S.-H. Park, O. Ronan, A. Seral‐Ascaso, S. Barwich, C. Ó. Coileáin, N. McEvoy, H. C. Nerl, B. Anasori, J. N. Coleman, Y. Gogotsi, V. Nicolosi​

Additive-free MXene inks and direct printing of micro-supercapacitors

Nature Communications, 10, 1795 (2019). [DOI]

Hot Paper on Web of Science (November-December 2019).

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (November-June 2021).


B. Anasori, J. Lu, O. Rivin, M. Dahlqvist, J. Halim, C. Voigt, J. Rosen, L. Hultman, M. W. Barsoum,  E. N. Caspi​

A Tungsten-Based Nanolaminated Ternary Carbide: (W,Ti)4C4–x

Inorganic Chemistry,58, 1100-1106 (2019). [DOI]


M. Seredych, C. E. Shuck, D. Pinto, M. Alhabeb, E. Precetti, G. Deysher, B. Anasori, N. Kurra, Y. Gogotsi​
High-Temperature Behavior and Surface Chemistry of Carbide MXenes Studied by Thermal Analysis

Chemistry of Materials, 31, 3324-3332 (2019). [DOI]


N. C. Frey, J. Wang, G. I. Vega Bellido, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, V. B. Shenoy​

Prediction of Synthesis of 2D Metal Carbides and Nitrides (MXenes) and Their Precursors with Positive and Unlabeled Machine Learning

ACS Nano, 13, 3031-3041 (2019). [DOI]


K. Hantanasirisakul, M. Alhabeb, A. Lipatov, K. Maleski, B. Anasori, P. Salles, C. Ieosakulrat, P. Pakawatpanurut, A. Sinitskii, S. J. May, Y. Gogotsi​

Effects of Synthesis and Processing on Optoelectronic Properties of Titanium Carbonitride MXene

Chemistry of Materials, 31, 2941-2951 (2019). [DOI]


J. L. Hart, K. Hantanasirisakul, A. C. Lang, B. Anasori, D. Pinto, Y. Pivak, J. T. van Omme, S. J. May, Y. Gogotsi, M. L. Taheri

Control of MXenes’ electronic properties through termination and intercalation

Nature Communications, 10, 522 (2019). [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (January - June 2021).


M.-Q. Zhao, C. E. Ren, M. Alhabeb, B. Anasori, M. W. Barsoum, Y. Gogotsi

Magnesium-Ion Storage Capability of MXenes

ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2, 1572-1578 (2019). [DOI]


N. C. Frey, A. Bandyopadhyay, H. Kumar, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, V. B. Shenoy​
Surface-Engineered MXenes: Electric Field Control of Magnetism and Enhanced Magnetic Anisotropy

ACS Nano, 13, 2831-2839 (2019). [DOI]


M. Han, X. Yin, K. Hantanasirisakul, X. Li, A. Iqbal, C. B. Hatter, B. Anasori, C. M. Koo, T. Torita, Y. Soda, L. Zhang, L. Cheng, Y. Gogotsi​

Anisotropic MXene Aerogels with a Mechanically Tunable Ratio of Electromagnetic Wave Reflection to Absorption

Advanced Optical Materials, 7, 1900267 (2019). [DOI]


G. Plummer, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, G.J. Tucker​
Nanoindentation of monolayer Tin+1CnTMXenes via atomistic simulations: The role of composition and defects on strength

Computational Materials Science, 157, 168-174 (2019). [DOI]


A.L. Bennett-Jackson, M. Falmbigl, K. Hantanasirisakul, Z. Gu, D. Imbrenda, A. V. Plokhikh, A. Will-Cole, C. Hatter, L. Wu, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, J. E. Spanier

Anisotropic MXene Aerogels with a Mechanically Tunable Ratio of Electromagnetic Wave Reflection to Absorption

Nanoscale, 11, 622-630 (2019). [DOI]

2018 papers



A. Sarycheva, A. Polemi, Y. Liu, K. Dandekar, B. Anasori*, Y. Gogotsi*

2D titanium carbide (MXene) for wireless communication

Science Advances, 4, eaau0920 (2018). [DOI]

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G. Deysher, S. Sin, Y. Gogotsi, B. Anasori

Oxidized 2D titanium carbide MXene: Flash oxidized powders

Materials Today, 21, 1064-1065 (2018). [DOI]

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Y. Xia, T. S. Mathis, M. Q. Zhao, B. Anasori, A. Dang, Z. Zhou, H. Cho, Y. Gogotsi, S. Yang 

Thickness-independent Capacitance of Vertically Aligned Liquid-crystalline MXenes 

Nature, 557, 409 (2018). [DOI]

Hot Paper on Web of Science (March- December 2019).

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (November 2018- December 2019).



A. Lipatov, H. Lu, M. Alhabeb, B. Anasori, A. Gruverman, Y. Gogotsi, A. Sinitskii

Elastic Properties of 2D Ti3C2Tx MXene Monolayers and Bilayers

Science Advances, 4, eaat0491 (2018). [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (January - December 2019).

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J. Guo, B. Legum, B. Anasori, K. Wang, P. Lelyukh, Y. Gogotsi, C. A. Randall

Cold Sintered Ceramic Nanocomposites of 2D MXene and Zinc Oxide

Advanced Materials, 30, 1801846 (2018). [DOI]

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X. Sang, Y. Xie, D. E. Yilmaz, R. Lotfi, M. Alhabeb, A. Ostadhossein, B. Anasori, W. Sun, X. Li, K. Xiao,

P. R. C. Kent, A. C. T. van Duin, Y. Gogotsi, R. R. Unocic 

In situ Atomistic Insight into the Growth Mechanisms of Single Layer 2D Transition Metal Carbides 

Nature Communications, 9, 2266 (2018). [DOI]

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N. Driscoll, A. G. Richardson, K. Maleski, B. Anasori, O. Adewole, P. Lelyukh, L. Escobedo, D. K. Cullen, T. H. Lucas, Y. Gogotsi, F. Vitale

Two-Dimensional Ti3C2 MXene for High-Resolution Neural Interfaces

ACS Nano, 12, 10419-10429 (2018). [DOI]

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L. Yu, L. Hu, B. Anasori, Y. T. Liu, Q. Zhu, P. Zhang, Y. Gogotsi, B. Xu

MXene-Bonded Activated Carbon as a Flexible Electrode for High-Performance Supercapacitors 

ACS Energy Letters, 3, 1597-1603 (2018). [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (January- December 2019).

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F. Meng, M. Seredych, C. Chen, V. Gura, S. Mikhalovsky, S. Sandeman, G. Ingavle, T. Ozulumba, L. Miao, B. Anasori*, Y. Gogotsi*

MXene Sorbents for Removal of Urea from Dialysate: A Step toward the Wearable Artificial Kidney

ACS Nano, 12, 10518-10528 (2018). [DOI]

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N. C. Frey, H. Kumar, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, V. B. Shenoy

Tuning Noncollinear Spin Structure and Anisotropy in Ferromagnetic Nitride MXenes

ACS Nano, 12, 6319-6325 (2018). [DOI]

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F. Alimohammadi, M. Sharifian, N. H. Attanayake, A. C. Thenuwara, Y. Gogotsi, B. Anasori, D. R. Strongin
Antimicrobial Properties of 2D MnO2 & MoS2 Nanomaterials Vertically Aligned on Graphene Materials

and Ti3C2 MXene

Langmuir, 34, 7192-7200 (2018). [DOI]



Y. T. Liu, P. Zhang, N. Sun, B. Anasori, Q. Z. Zhu, H. Liu, Y. Gogotsi, B. Xu
Self‐Assembly of Transition Metal Oxide Nanostructures on MXene Nanosheets for Fast and Stable Lithium Storage 

Advanced Materials, 6, 1707334 (2018).  [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (January- December 2019).



A. M. Navarro‐Suárez, K. Maleski, T. Makaryan, J. Yan, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi
2D Titanium Carbide/Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructures for Supercapacitor Applications

Batteries & Supercaps, 1, 33-38 (2018). [DOI]



A. Ali, K. Hantanasirisakul, A. Abdala, P. Urbankowski, M-Q. Zhao, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, B. Aïssa, K. A. Mahmoud
Effect of Synthesis on Performance of MXene/Iron Oxide Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries

Langmuir, 34, 11325-11334 (2018). [DOI]



M. Vural, A. P. Francesch, J. Bars‐Pomes, H. Jung, H. Gudapati, C. B. Hatter, B. D. Allen, B. Anasori, I. T. Ozbolat, Y. Gogotsi, M. C. Demirel

Inkjet Printing of Self‐Assembled 2D Titanium Carbide and Protein Electrodes for Stimuli‐Responsive Electromagnetic Shielding

Advanced Functional Materials, 28, 1801972 (2018). [DOI]

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K. Maleski, C. E. Ren, M-Q. Zhao, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi
Size-dependent physical and electrochemical properties of two-dimensional MXene flakes

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10, 24491-24498 (2018). [DOI]

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C. Dall'Agnese, Y. Dall'Agnese, B. Anasori, W. Sugimoto, S. Mori

Oxidized Ti3C2MXene nanosheets for dye-sensitized solar cells

New Journal of Chemistry, 42, 16446-16450 (2018). [DOI]



A. Arabi Shamsabadi, M. Sharifian, B. Anasori, M. Soroush

Antimicrobial Mode-of-Action of Colloidal Ti3C2Tx MXene Nanosheets

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 6, 16586-16596 (2018). [DOI]

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N. H. Attanayake, S. C. Abeyweera, A. C. Thenuwara, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, Y. Sun, D. R. Strongin
Vertically aligned MoS2 on Ti3C2 (MXene) as an improved HER catalyst

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6, 16882-16889 (2018).  [DOI]

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C. E. Ren, M. Alhabeb, B. W. Byles, M-Q Zhao, B. Anasori, E. Pomerantseva, K. A. Mahmoud, Y. Gogotsi

Voltage Gated Ions Sieving Through 2D MXene Ti3C2Tx Membranes

ACS Applied Nano Materials, 1, 3644–3652 (2018).  [DOI]

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B. Akuzum, K. Maleski, B. Anasori, P. Lelyukh, N. J. Alvarez, E. C. Kumbur, Y. Gogotsi
Rheological Characteristics of 2D Titanium Carbide (MXene) Dispersions: A Guide for Processing MXenes 

ACS Nano, 12 (3), 2685-2694 (2018). [DOI]

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X. Xie, K. Kretschmer, B. Anasori, B. Sun, G. Wang, Y. Gogotsi
Porous Ti3C2Tx MXene for Ultrahigh-Rate Sodium-Ion Storage with Long Cycle Life

ACS Applied Nano Materials, 1, 505-511 (2018). [DOI]

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Z. Zhou, W. Panatdasirisuk, T. S. Mathis, B. Anasori, C. Lu, X. Zhang, Z. Liao, Y. Gogotsi, S. Yang
Layer-by-layer assembly of MXene and carbon nanotubes on electrospun polymer films for flexible energy storage

Nanoscale,10, 6005-6013 (2018). [DOI]



C. Chen, M. Boota, P. Urbankowski, B. Anasori, L. Miao, J. Jiang, Y. Gogotsi
Effect of Glycine Functionalization of 2D Titanium Carbide (MXene) on Charge Storage

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6, 4617-4622 (2018). [DOI]

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S. J. Kim, H-J. Koh, C. E. Ren, O. Kwon, K. Maleski, S-Y Cho, B. Anasori, C-K. Kim, Y-K. Choi, J. Kim, Y. Gogotsi, H-T. Jung

Metallic Ti3C2Tx MXene Gas Sensors with Ultrahigh Signal-to-Noise Ratio

ACS Nano, 12, 986-993 (2018). [DOI]

ACS Editors' Choice Article.  

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (September 2018 - December 2019).


Y. Dong, S. Chertopalov, K. Maleski, B. Anasori, L. Hu, S. Bhattacharya, A. M. Rao, Y. Gogotsi, V. N. Mochalin, R. Podila

Saturable Absorption in 2D Ti3C2 MXene Thin Films for Passive Photonic Diodes

Advanced Materials, 1705714 (2018). [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (January - August 2019).


C. Chen, X. Xie, B. Anasori, A. Sarycheva, T. Makaryan, M-Q. Zhao, P. Urbankowski, L. Miao, J. Jiang, Y. Gogotsi

MoS2‐on‐MXene heterostructures as highly reversible anode materials for lithium‐ion batteries

Angewandte Chemie, 57, (2018).  [DOI]

Very Important Paper (VIP)

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (November 2018 - December 2019).


G. Choi, F. Shahzad, Y‐M Bahk, Y. M. Jhon, H. Park, M. Alhabeb, B. Anasori, D‐S. Kim, C. M. Koo, Y. Gogotsi, M. Seo

Enhanced Terahertz Shielding of MXenes with Nano‐Metamaterials

Advanced Optical Materials, 1701076 (2018). [DOI]


B. Xu, H. Wang, Q. Zhu, N. Sun, B. Anasori, L. Hu, F. Wang, Y. Guan, Y. Gogotsi

Reduced Graphene Oxide as a Multi-Functional Conductive Binder for Supercapacitor Electrodes

Energy Storage Materials, 12, 128-136 (2018). [DOI]


C. J. Zhang, M. P. Kremer, A. Seral‐Ascaso, S‐H Park, N. McEvoy, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, V. Nicolosi

Stamping of Flexible, Coplanar Micro‐Supercapacitors Using MXene Inks

Advanced Functional Materials, 1705506 (2018). [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (July 2018 - December 2019).


C. Couly, M. Alhabeb, K. L. Van Aken, N. Kurra, L. Gomes, A. M. Navarro‐Suárez, B. Anasori, H. N. Alshareef, Y. Gogotsi

Asymmetric Flexible MXene‐Reduced Graphene Oxide Micro‐Supercapacitor

Advanced Electronic Materials, 4, 1700339 (2018). [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (July 2018 - December 2019).


A. D. Handoko, K. D. Fredrickson, B. Anasori, K. W. Convey, L. R. Johnson, Y. Gogotsi, A. Vojvodic, Z. W. Seh

Tuning the Basal Plane Functionalization of 2D Metal Carbides (MXenes) to Control Hydrogen Evolution Activity

ACS Applied Energy Materials, 1, 173-180 (2018). [DOI]


2017 papers


B. Anasori, M. R. Lukatskaya, Y. Gogotsi 

2D Metal Carbides and Nitrides (MXenes) for Energy Storage 

Nature Reviews Materials, 2, 16098 (2017). Cover Story [DOI]

Hot Paper on Web of Science (May 2017 - December 2018).

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (May 2017 - December 2019).

Included in two Nature Reviews collections:

Battery materials and technologies collection, Nature Reviews Materials, September 2017. [LINK]

Chemistry at the nexus of water and energy collection, Nature Reviews Chemistry, March 2018. [LINK]


B. Anasori*, A. Sarycheva, S. Buondonno, Z. Zhou, S. Yang, Y. Gogotsi

2D Metal Carbides (MXenes) in Fibers 

Materials Today, 20, 481-482 (2017). Cover Story. [DOI]


Y. I. Jhon*, J. Koo*, B. Anasori*, M. Seo, J. H. Lee, Y. Gogotsi, Y. M. Jhon

Metallic MXene Saturable Absorber for Femtosecond Mode‐Locked Lasers 

Advanced Materials, 29, 1702496 (2017). Inside Back Cover Story. [DOI]

 *Authors contributed equally.


M. Alhabeb, K. Maleski, B. Anasori, P. Lelyukh, L. Clark, S. Sin, Y. Gogotsi

Guidelines for Synthesis and Processing of 2D Titanium Carbide (Ti3C2Tx MXene)

Chemistry of Materials, 29, 7633-7644 (2017).  [DOI]

Among the "Most-read articles in the past 12 months" on the Chemistry of Materials website (2017-2018).

Hot Paper on Web of Science (March - August 2019).

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (March 2018 - December 2019).


P. Urbankowski, B. Anasori, K. Hantanasirisakul, L. Yang, L. Zhang, B. Haines, S. J. May, S. J. L. Billinge, Y. Gogotsi, 

2D Molybdenum and Vanadium Nitrides Synthesized by Ammoniation of 2D Transition Metal Carbides (MXenes)

Nanoscale, 9, 17722-17730 (2018). [DOI]


H. Kumar, N. C. Frey, L. Dong, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, V. Shenoy 

Tunable Magnetism and Transport Properties in Nitride MXenes

ACS Nano, 11, 7648-7655 (2017). [DOI]

 Accompanied by a perspective article. [DOI]


C. Zhang, B. Anasori, A. Seral-Ascaso, S-H. Park, N. McEvoy, A. Shmeliov, G. S. Duesberg, J. N. Coleman, Y. Gogotsi, V. Nicolosi 

Transparent, Flexible, and Conductive 2D Titanium Carbide (MXene) Films with High Volumetric Capacitance 

Advanced Materials, 29, 1702678 (2017). Very Important Paper (VIP)[DOI]

Hot Paper on Web of Science (November 2017 - April 2018).

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (March 2018 - December 2019).


M. Nelson, M. T. Agne, B. Anasori, J. Yang, M. W. Barsoum,

Synthesis and characterization of the mechanical properties of Ti3SiC2/Mg and Cr2AlC/Mg alloy composites

Materials Science & Engineering: A, 705, 182-188 (2017). [DOI]


M-Q. Zhao, X. Xie, C. E. Ren, T. Makaryan, B. Anasori, G. Wang, Y. Gogotsi 

Hollow MXene Spheres and 3D Macroporous MXene Frameworks for Na-Ion Storage 

Advanced Materials, 29, 1702410 (2017). [DOI]

Hot Paper on Web of Science (May/June 2018).

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (May 2018 - December 2019).


C. Zhang, S. Pinilla, N. McEvoy, C. P. Cullen, B. Anasori, E. Long, S. H. Park, A. Seral-Ascaso, A. Shmeliov, D. Krishnan, C. Morant, X. Liu, G. S. Duesberg, Y. Gogotsi, V. Nicolosi 

Oxidation Stability of Colloidal Two-Dimensional Titanium Carbides (MXenes) 

Chemistry of Materials, 29, 4848-4856 (2017). [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (November 2018 - December 2019).


S-M. Bak, R. Qiao, W. Yang, S. Lee, X. Yu, B. Anasori, H. Lee, Y. Gogotsi, X-Q. Yang 

Na-Ion Intercalation and Charge Storage Mechanism in Two-Dimensional Vanadium Carbide

Advanced Energy Materials,7, 1700959 (2017). [DOI]


H. Kim, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, H. N. Alshareef 

Thermoelectric Properties of Two-Dimensional Molybdenum-based MXenes

Chemistry of Materials, 29, 6472-6479 (2017). [DOI]


M. Han, X. Yin, X. Li, B. Anasori, L. Zhang, L. Cheng, Y. Gogotsi

Laminated and Two-Dimensional Carbon-Supported Microwave Absorbers Derived from MXenes

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9, 20038-20045 (2017). [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (March 2018 - December 2019).


J. Yan, C. E. Ren, K. Maleski, C. B. Hatter, B. Anasori, P. Urbankowski, A. Sarycheva, Y. Gogotsi

Flexible MXene/Graphene Films for Ultrafast Supercapacitors with Outstanding Volumetric Capacitance

Advanced Functional Materials, 27, 1701264 (2017). [DOI]

Hot Paper on Web of Science (July - December 2018).

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (March 2018 - December 2019).


T. L. Tan, H. Jin, M. Sullivan, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi

A High-Throughput Survey of Ordering Configurations in MXene Alloys Across Compositions and Temperatures

ACS Nano, 11, 4407-4418 (2017). [DOI]


Q. Zhu, Q. Zhao, Y. An, B. Anasori, H. Wang, B. Xu

Ultra-microporous Carbons Encapsulate Small Sulfur Molecules for High Performance Lithium-Sulfur Battery

Nano Energy 33, 402-409 (2017). [DOI]


C. Chen, M. Boota, X. Xie, M-Q Zhao, B. Anasori, C. E. Ren, L. Miao, J. Jiang, Y. Gogotsi

Charge Transfer Induced Polymerization of EDOT Confined between 2D Titanium Carbide Layers

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5, 5260-5265 (2017). [DOI]


L. Dong, H. Kumar, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, V. Shenoy

Rational Design of 2-Dimensional Metallic and Semiconducting Spintronic Materials Based on Ordered Double-Transition-Metal MXenes

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8, 422-428 (2017). [DOI]


2016 papers


F. Shahzad, M. Alhabeb, C. B. Hatter, B. Anasori, M. H. Soon, C. M. Koo, Y. Gogotsi

Electromagnetic Interference  Shielding  with  2D  Transition  Metal  Carbide  (MXenes)

Science, 353, 1137-1140 (2016). [DOI]

Hot Paper on Web of Science (March 2017 - August 2018).

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (March 2017 - December 2019).


K. D. Fredrickson, B. Anasori, Z. W. She, Y. Gogotsi, A. Vojvodic

Effects of Applied Potential and Water Intercalation on the Surface Chemistry of Ti2C and Mo2C MXenes

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120, 28432-28440 (2016). [DOI]


N. Jäckel, B. Krüner, K. L. Van Aken, M. Alhabeb, B. Anasori, F. Kaasik, Y. Gogotsi, V. Presser

Electrochemical in situ Tracking of Volumetric Changes in Two-dimensional Metal Carbides (MXenes) in Ionic Liquids

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8, 32089-32093 (2016). [DOI]


J. Xu, M-Q. Zhao, Y. Wang, W. Yao, C. Chen, B. Anasori, A. Sarycheva, C. E. Ren, T. Mathis, L. Gomes, Z. Liang, Y. Gogotsi

Demonstration of Li-ion capacity of MAX phases

ACS Energy Letters, 1, 1094-1099 (2016). [DOI]


M-Q. Zhao, M. Torelli, C. E. Ren, M. Ghidiu, Z. Ling, B. Anasori, M. W. Barsoum, Y. Gogotsi

2D Titanium Carbide and Transition Metal Oxides Hybrid Electrodes for Li-Ion Storage

Nano Energy, 30, 603-613 (2016). [DOI]


Z. Lin, P. Rozier, B. Duployer, P. L. Taberna, B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon

Electrochemical and In-situ X-ray Diffraction Studies of Ti3C2Tx MXene in Ionic Liquid Electrolyte

Electrochemistry Communications, 72, 50-53 (2016). [DOI]


Z. W. Seh, K. D. Fredrickson, B. Anasori, J. Kibsgaard, A. L. Strickler,  M. R. Lukatskaya, Y. Gogotsi, T. F. Jaramillo, A. Vojvodic

Two-Dimensional Molybdenum Carbide (MXene) as an Efficient Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution

ACS Energy Letters, 1, 589-594 (2016). [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (March 2017 - December 2019).


Y. Peng, B. Akuzum, N. Kurra, M. Zhao, M. Alhabeb, B. Anasori, E. C. Kumbur, H. Alshareef, M. Ger, Y. Gogotsi

All-MXene (2D Titanium Carbide) Solid-state Microsupercapacitors for On-chip Energy Storage

Energy and Environmental Science, 9, 2847-2854 (2016). [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (May 2018 - December 2019).


X. Xie, M-Q. Zhao, B. Anasori, K. Maleski, C. E. Ren, Jingwen Li, Bryan W. Byles, Ekaterina Pomerantseva, G. Wang, Y. Gogotsi

Porous Heterostructured MXene/Carbon Nanotube Composite Paper with High Volumetric Capacity for Sodium-based Energy Storage Devices

Nano Energy, 26, 513-523 (2016). [DOI]

Hot Paper on Web of Science (March/April 2018).

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (September 2017 -- December 2019).


P. Urbankowski*, B. Anasori*, T. Makaryan, D. Er, S. Kota, P. W. Walsh, M-Q. Zhao, V. Shenoy, M. W. Barsoum, Y. Gogotsi

Synthesis of Two-dimensional Titanium Nitride Ti4N3 (MXene)

Nanoscale, 8, 11385-1139 (2016).  *Authors contributed equally. [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (July 2017 - December 2019).


A. Byeon, M-Q. Zhao, C. E. Ren, J. Halim, S. Kota, P. Urbankowski, B. Anasori, M. W. Barsoum, Y. Gogotsi

Two-dimensional Titanium Carbide MXene as a Cathode Material for Hybrid Magnesium/Lithium-ion Batteries

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, June (2016). [DOI]


Z. Lin, D. Barbara, P. Taberna, K. L. Van Aken, B. Anasori, Yury Gogotsi, P. Simon

Capacitance of Ti3C2Tx MXene in Ionic Liquid Electrolyte

Journal of Power Sources, 326, 575-579 (2016). [DOI] 

Hot Paper on Web of Science (January - April 2017).


B. Anasori, C. Shi, E-J. Moon, Y. Xie, C. Voigt, E. Dooryhee, P. R. C. Kent, S. J. May, S. J. L. Billinge, M. W. Barsoum, Y. Gogotis

Controlling of Electronic Properties of 2D Carbides (MXenes) by Manipulating Their Transition Metal Layers

Nanoscale Horizons, 1, 227-334 (2016). Inside Cover Story. [DOI]


K. Hantanasirisakul, M-Q. Zhao, P. Urbankowski, J. Halim, B. Anasori, S. Kota, C. E. Ren, M. W. Barsoum, Y. Gogotsi

Fabrication of Ti3C2Tx MXene Transparent Thin Films with Tunable Optoelectronic Properties

Advanced Electronic Materials, 2, 1600050 (2016). Very Important Paper (VIP). [DOI]


A-Y. Byeon, A. M. Glushenkov, B. Anasori, P. Urbankowski, J. Li, B. Byles, B. Blake, K. L. Van Aken, S. Kota, M. W. Barsoum, E. Pomerantseva, J. W. Lee, Y. Chen and Y. Gogotsi

Lithium-Ion Capacitors with 2D Nb2CTx (MXene) - Carbon Nanotube Electrodes

Journal of Power Sources, 326, 686-694 (2016). [DOI]


C. E. Ren, M-Q Zhao, T. Makaryan, J. Halim, M. Boota, S. Kota, B. Anasori, M. W. Barsoum, Y. Gogotsi

Porous Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Carbide (MXene) Flakes for High-Performance Li-Ion Storage

ChemElctroChem, 3, 689-693 (2016). Back Cover Story. [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (May 2017 - December 2019).


M. Boota, B. Anasori, C. A. Voigt, M-Q. Zhao, M. W. Barsoum, Y. Gogotsi

Pseudocapacitive Electrodes Produced by Oxidant-free Polymerization of Pyrrole Between the Layers of 2D Titanium Carbide (MXene)

Advanced Materials, 28, 1517-1522 (2016). [DOI]

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (January 2017 - December 2019).


B. Anasori, M. W. Barsoum

Energy Damping in Mg Alloy Composites Reinforced with TiC or Ti2AlC Particulates

Materials Science and Engineering A, 653, 53-62 (2016). [DOI]


D. Stanley, J. Awerbuch, T-M. Tan, B. Anasori

Reconstruction of Fatigue Crack Growth in AA2024-T3 and AA2198-T8 Fastened Lap Joints

Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 82, 33-50 (2016). [DOI]

2015 papers



B. Anasori, Y. Xie, M. Beidaghi, J. Lu,  B. C. Hosler, L. Hultman, P. R. C. Kent, Y. Gogotsi, M. W. Barsoum

Two-Dimensional, Ordered, Double Transition Metals Carbides (MXenes)

ACS Nano, 9, 9507-9516 (2015). Cover Story and ACS Editors’ Choice Article. [DOI]

Hot Paper on Web of Science (January - October 2017).

Highly Cited Paper on Web of Science (January 2017 - December 2019).


B. Anasori, M. Dahlqvist, J. Halim, E. J. Moon, J. Lu, B. C. Hosler., E. N. Caspi, S. May, L. Hultman, P. Eklund, J. Rosén, M. W. Barsoum

Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of Ordered MAX Phases Mo2TiAlC2 and Mo2Ti2AlC3 

Journal of Applied Physics, 118, 094304, (2015). [DOI]


B. Anasori, J. Halim, J. Lu, C. A. Voigt, L. Hultman, M. W. Barsoum

Mo2TiAlC2: A New Ordered Layered Ternary Carbide

Scripta Materialia, 101, 5-7 (2015). [DOI]


C.F. Hu, C.-C. Lai, Q.Z. Tao, J. Lu, J. Halim, L.C. Sun, J. Zhang, J.Y. Yang, B. Anasori, J. Wang, Y. Sakka, L. Hultman, P. Eklund, J. Rosen, M. W. Barsoum

Mo2Ga2C: A New Ternary Nanolaminated Carbide

Chemical Communications, 51, 6560-6563 (2015). [DOI]


G. W. Bentzel, M. Ghidiu, B. Anasori, M. W. Barsoum

On the Interactions of Ti2AlC, Ti3AlC2, Ti3SiC2 and Cr2AlC with Silicon Carbide and Pyrolytic Carbon at 1300 °C

Journal of European Ceramic Society, 35, 4107-4114 (2015). [DOI]


M. Shamma, E. N. Caspi, B. Anasori, B. Clausen, D. W. Brown, S. C. Vogel, V. Presser, S. Amini, O. Yeheskel and M. W. Barsoum

In situ Neutron Diffraction Evidence For Incipient Kink Bands in Highly Textured Polycrystalline Ti2AlC Samples

Acta Materialia, 98, 51-63(2015). [DOI]


K. J. Sunday, K. Darling, F. Hanejko, B. Anasori, Y. Liu, M. L. Taheri

Al2O3 “Self-coated” Iron Powder Composites via Mechanical Milling

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 653, 61-68 (2015). [DOI]


M. Agne, B. Anasori, M. W. Barsoum

Reactions between Ti2AlC, B4C, and Al and Phase Equilibria at 1000 °C in the Al-Ti-B-C Quaternary System

Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 36, 169-182 (2015), Editor Choice Award. [DOI]


D. J. Tallman,J. Yang, L. Pan, B. Anasori, M. W. Barsoum

Reactivity of Zircaloy-4 with Ti3SiC2 and Ti2AlC in the 1100 to 1300 °C Temperature Range

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 460, 122-129 (2015). [DOI]


H. Gong, B. Anasori, C. R. Dennison, K. Wang, E. C. Kumbur, R. Strich, J. G. Zhou

Fabrication, Biodegradation Behavior and Cytotoxicity of Mg-nanodiamond Composites for Implant Application

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 26, 2, 1-9 (2015). [DOI]

2014 papers



B. Anasori, E. N. Caspi, M. W. Barsoum

Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of Pressureless Melt Infiltrated Magnesium Alloy Composites Reinforced with TiC and Ti2AlC Particles

Materials Science and Engineering A, 618, 511-522 (2014). [DOI]


B. Anasori, M. Beidaghi, Y. Gogotsi

Graphene – Transition Metal Oxide Hybrid Materials

Materials Today, 17, 253-254 (2014). [DOI]


A. Mockute, J. Lu, E. J. Moon,  M. Yang, B. Anasori, S. J. May, M. W. Barsoum, J. Rosen

Solid Solubility and Magnetism upon Mn Incorporation in Bulk Cr2AlC and Cr2GaC MAX Phases

Materials Research Letters, 3, 16-22 (2014). [DOI]



B. Anasori, M. W. Barsoum

Reversible Dislocation Motion and Microcracking in Plastically Anisotropic Solids under Cyclic Spherical Nanoindentation

MRS Communications, 3, 245-248 (2013). [DOI]


B. Anasori, Y. Elraheb, E. N. Caspi, M. W. Barsoum

On the Cyclic Oxidation of Ti2GeC in Air

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 580, 550-557 (2013). [DOI]


D. J. Tallman, B. Anasori, M. W. Barsoum

A Critical Review of the Oxidation of Ti2AlC, Ti3AlC2 and Cr2AlC in Air

Materials Research letters, 1, 115-125 (2013).  [DOI]



D. J. Tallman, M. Naguib, B. Anasori, M. W. Barsoum

Tensile Creep of Ti2AlC in Air in the 1000-1150 °C Temperature Range

Scripta Materiallia, 66, 805–808 (2012). [DOI]


S. Basu, O.A. Elshrief, R. Coward, B. Anasori, M.W. Barsoum

Microscale Deformation of (001) and (100) Rutile Single Crystals under Spherical Nanoindentation

Journal of Materials Research, 27, 1, 53-63 (2012). [DOI]



B. Anasori, K. E. Sickafus, Igor O. Usov, M. W. Barsoum

Spherical Nanoindentation Study of the Deformation Micromechanisms of LiTaO3 Single Crystals

Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 023516 (2011). [DOI]


A. Kontsos, T. Loutas, V. Kostopoulos, K. Hazeli, B. Anasori, M. W. Barsoum

Nanocrystalline Mg-MAX Composites: Mechanical Behavior Characterization via Acoustic Emission Monitoring

Acta Materialia, 59, 5716-5727 (2011). [DOI]


O. Yeheskel, I. C. Albayrak, B. Anasori, M. W. Barsoum

Mechanical and Elastic Properties of Fine-grained Polycrystalline Scandia and Erbia as Determined by Indentation Techniques

Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 31, 1703-1712 (2011). [DOI]

Conference Proceedings


B. Anasori, F. Saillot, D. Stanley, J. Awerbuch, T. Tan

Fatigue Crack Growth in Aluminum Lithium Riveted Lap Joints

Procedia Engineering, 74, 413-416, 2014. [DOI]


B. Anasori, M. W. Barsoum

On the Effect of Ti2AlC on the Fabrication of Thermally Stable Mg Nano Grains

Magnesium Technology 2012, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York. [DOI]


B. Anasori, S. Amini, V. Presser, M. W. Barsoum

Nanocrystalline Mg-Matrix Composites with Ultrahigh Damping Properties

Magnesium Technology 2011, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, 463-468. [DOI]

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