Layered Materials and Structures Lab (LMSL)
Anasori Research Lab
From Materials Discovery and Optimization to Applications

Two-dimensional (2D) transition metal carbides and nitrides, MXenes, are a large family of materials.
In Anasori Lab, we design novel MXenes structures and use them for a variety of applications, including materials for extreme environments, hypersonic materials, lighter and stronger composites, energy generation, electromagnetic interference shielding, and carbon capture and utilization.
Current Research Sponsors

Novel MXenes: Design, Discovery, and Fundamental Understanding
Current Grant: NSF–DMR–Solid-State Materials Chemistry (SSMC)
The few atom-thick 2D transition metal carbides and nitrides (MXenes) family is one of the rapidly expanding 2D materials beyond graphene. In Anasori Lab, we are currently working on the design and discovery of novel MXenes.
In 2021, we reported the first high-entropy MXenes. We are working on a few novel MXene compositions. So, stay tuned!
Related publications:
High-Entropy 2D Carbide MXenes: TiVNbMoC3 and TiVCrMoC3, ACS Nano, 15 (2021). Link
Double Transition Metal MXenes: Atomistic Design of Two-dimensional Carbides and Nitrides, MRS Bulletin 45 (2020). Link [Download Manuscript pdf]​
The Rise of MXenes, ACS Nano, 13 (2019). Open access link
MXenes Book: B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, 2D Metal Carbides and Nitrides (MXenes), Springer-Nature (2019). Link
MXene Composites for Extreme Environments
Current Grant: DoD–ONR–Aerospace Science Research
MXenes' transition metal carbide core can be transformed to bulk crystalline transition metal carbides, be used as sintering aids and control the morphology of the composite materials, which create new possibilities in composites and additive manufacturing that are impossible to achieve via the traditional sintering methods.
We are currently investigating how 2D MXenes can be added to ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs) as additives to improve their sinterability and enhance fracture toughness while keeping their high strength and improving the oxidation resistance.
Related publications:
2D Transition Metal Carbides (MXenes) in Metal and Ceramic Matrix Composites, Nano Convergence, 8 (2021). Open access link
Cyber Manufacturing of MXenes
Current Grant: NSF–Future Manufacturing
2D MXenes are synthesized via a top-down selective etching method, which makes their production scalable. Ti3C2Tx MXenes has one of the highest electrical conductivity among solution-processed nanomaterials (> 20,000 S/cm), and high Young's modulus (~330 GPa), and its electromagnetic shielding effectiveness is at par with those of metals (such as Al and Cu). In this project, we are working on understanding all the parameters that control the final properties of Ti3C2Tx and work with our collaborators on cyber manufacturing of high-quality MXenens as a platform for scalable manufacturing of nanomaterials.
Related publications:
2D Titanium Carbide (MXene) Based Films: Expanding the Frontier of Functional Film Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, 2105043 (2021). Link
Rational Design of Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Carbide/Nitride (MXene) Hybrids and Nanocomposites for Catalytic Energy Storage and Conversion, ACS Nano, 14, 10834-10864 (2020). Link

MXene-derived Carbides for Extreme Environments
2D MXenes core carbides can be used to design novel layered carbides with atom-level precision and control over carbon stoichiometric ratio, beyond what is possible via the traditional methods. For example, Ti3C2Tx can be transformed to TiCy and ordered carbon vacancy Ti2C. These MXene-derived carbides have the potential to be used in extreme environments, such as high temperatures and high-radiation environments.
Related publications:
High-Temperature Stability and Phase Transformations of Titanium Carbide (Ti3C2Tx) MXene, J. Physics: Condensed Matter, 33, 224002 (2021). Link [Download PDF]
What Are 2D Transition Metal Carbides and Nitrides (MXenes)​?
Few atom-thick 2D transition metal carbides and nitrides (MXenes) family is one of the rapidly expanding 2D materials beyond graphene. About 40 different MXene compositions have been synthesized, and structures and properties of about 60 MXenes have been theoretically predicted. The versatile chemistry of MXenes allows the tuning of properties for applications including energy storage, electromagnetic interference shielding, photonics, reinforcement for composites, water purification, gas- and biosensors, lubrication, and photo-, electro- and chemical catalysis.
Application-based Property Tuning
MXene sheets have a 2D core of transition metal carbide and a surface of transition metal oxide. The availability of solid solutions, the control of surface terminations and a recent discovery of multi-transition metal layered MXenes offer the potential for the synthesis of many new structures.
Further reading:​
2D MXenes: Tunable Mechanical and Tribological Properties, Advanced Materials, 33, 2007973 (2021). [DOI] [Download Manuscript pdf]​
The Rise of MXenes: Y. Gogotsi, B. Anasori, ACS Nano, 13 (2019). Open access link​
MXenes Book: B. Anasori, Y. Gogotsi, 2D Metal Carbides and Nitrides (MXenes), Structures, Properties and Applications, Springer-Nature (2019) Link
B. Anasori, M. R. Lukatskaya, Y. Gogotsi, 2D Metal Carbides and Nitrides (MXenes) for Energy Storage, Nature Reviews Materials, 2, 16098 (2017). Link