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February 2021

Ti3C2Tx MXene phase transformation paper in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter

Our in-depth study of Ti3C2Tx stability and phase transformation is published in J. of Physics: Condensed Matter. This is the first study to show MXene transformation to vacancy-ordered non-stoichiometric lamellar carbide phases, presenting MXenes potential as ultra-high-temperature ceramics (UHTCs).




This paper is part of the

Emerging Leaders 2020 of JPCM.

Congratulations to Brian, Kartik, Krish, Pree, and Bowen!


Link to the paper on JPCM.            Link to download the manuscript.

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Highly Cited Researcher on Web of Science 


December 2021
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Prof. Anasori is named among the Highly Cited Researchers by the Web of Science Group. This is the second year in a row to be recognized as a highly-cited researcher. This list identifies the pioneers of each field over the last decade, by the production of multiple highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in the Web of Science

November 2020

Kartik Nemani wins in "NanoArtography" competition


Kartik won the IUPUI People's Choice in the 2020 NanoArtography competition.  His artistic image "Firedrake" is a scanning electron microscope image of a MXene.


Congratulations to Kartik!  


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November 2020

Article about the early-career professionals 

Read the article published by the Early Career Professionals Subcommittee of MRS (Chair: Dr. Anasori) in the November issue of MRS Bulletin about supporting and understanding the needs of early careers.  LINK

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Double transition metal MXenes in MRS Bulletin


October 2020

Our review paper on the large family of double transition metal MXenes is published in MRS Bulletin. Congratulations to Weichen, Brian, and Kartik, the co-first authors of our paper. 


Link to download the manuscript: Click here

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August 2020

MXene hybrids review paper in ACS Nano


Our comprehensive review paper on MXene hybrids for catalysis in collaboration with Zhi Wei Seh and J. Tang groups is published in ACS Nano. Congratulations to Kartik and Brian! 


Link: ACS Nano MXene hybrids 2020

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August 2020

Kartik Nemani wins in "Science as Art" competition


Kartik won first place in the "Science as Art" competition in the MRS Spring 2020 virtual competition.  His artistic image "MXene Chameleon" is a scanning electron microscope image of Ti3C2 MXenes.


Congratulations to Kartik!  


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Kartik Nemani publishes in Science Magazine


July 2020

Kartik's NextGenVoice futuristic news article on "News from a postpandemic world" has been selected and published by Science Magazine. Kartik wrote about a possible in-orbital medical treatment of COVID-19 by sending 10,000 people to Space colonies in 2040! We hope we send people to Space colonies for a differnt reason though! 

Congratulations to Kartik! 

You can read Kartik's article here: LINK

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June 2020

Brian Wyatt switches to PhD 


After his first year in the LMS lab, Brian has decided to convert to pursue his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering! In his words, a PhD will allow him to pursue exciting MXene research and allow him to become the STEM leader he has wanted to become since his early days in higher education.


Follow Brian's posts on Twitter @bwyattLMSL


Congratulations Brian, we all expect great things from you!


May 2020

Top five trending authors in Materials Science

Dr. Anasori is among the top five trending authors in the field of Materials Science (> 3 million authors), based on Microsft Academic data. He is also among the top five trending authors in a few subfields, such as Nanotechnology, MXenes, carbide, among others. The Microsft Academic identifies the top trending authors for a given topic based on citation growth over the past 5 years. [LINK]

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Trending plots: Microsoft Academic
April 2020

Article in MRS Bulletin about

the Impact of Professional Societies on Career Development

Read the article published by Dr. Anasori and his colleagues at MRS in the April issue of MRS Bulletin about the impact of service activities in professional societies on career progression. LINK

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Brian and Kartik presented at the Indiana Statehouse

On March 2nd, Kartik Nemani, Brian Wyatt, and Saeed Yazdani represented the Nano Science and Engineering Association (NSEA) at the 2nd Annual Indiana Science Communications Day 2020 at the Indiana Statehouse. At this event, they spoke to state lawmakers about the impact nanoscience and nanotechnology will have on the state of Indiana and its impact on future legislation. Leadership in nano starts at IUPUI!

March 2020
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Nano Science and Engineering Association (NSEA)

On February 28th, the Nano Science and Engineering Association (NSEA) brought out over 50 IUPUI undergraduate and graduate students to talk about leading the charge to grow nanoscience and nanotechnology in Indianapolis! Here they led hands-on experience with nano for students, displayed the beauty of our world at the nanoscale, and planned how to raise awareness in the Indianapolis community. 

February 2020
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Chloe Gilbert joined the Group

Chloe Gilbert has joined our Layered Materials and

Structures Group in her M.Sc. studies. Welcome, Chloe!


Thomas Tom at Tesla

Thomas Tom, M.Sc. 2020, started an internship at Tesla.

We wish him success in his new position. 

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"Meet Your New Faculty Candidate–Poster Session" at MRS Fall 2019

A new opportunity for those who are looking for a faculty position was created by the MRS Early Career Professionals Subcommittee, chaired by Prof. Anasori, called "Meet Your New Faculty Candidate–Poster Session". The poster session was held at the MRS Fall Meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 4th at 4 pm. In this poster session, faculty candidates could present their visions on research and teaching as a poster to the hiring search committees. There were ~ 100 submitted abstracts and more than thirty search committees attended this session. Watch the MRS TV interview about this poster session. 


SciVid 2019 Winners

Science in Video (SciVid) competition, created and chaired by Prof. Anasori, was held at the MRS Fall 2019 Meeting in Boston, MA. The Awards Ceremony was on Wednesday, Dec. 4th. SciVid 2019 top videos are posted on MRS YouTube Channel: [link].

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Highly Cited Researcher on Web of Science

Prof. Anasori is among the Global Highly Cited Researchers 2019 list announced this week by the Web of Science Group. Here is the link to the 2019 list:


Weichen Hong joined the Group

Weichen Hong has joined our Layered Materials and

Structures Group for his PhD studies. Welcome, Weichen!

Invited Talk and Sosman Award Symposium at MS&T 2019

Prof. Anasori gave an invited talk on multi-transition metal carbides MXenes at MS&T 2019 in Portland, OR. He organized the Sosman Award Symposium this year. The 2019 Sosman Award Recipient was Prof. Yury Gogotsi. 


Dr. Bowen Zhang  joined the Group

Prof. Bowen Zhang has joined our Layered Materials and

Structures Group as a visiting scholar.

We welcome Bowen and his family to the group and Indianapolis!

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Thomas Tom joined the Group

Thomas Tom has joined our Layered Materials and

Structures Group for his Master's studies. Welcome, Thomas!

The Rise of MXenes

Read our editorial in the August issue of ACS Nano about the recent development in the field of MXenes, titled "The Rise of MXenes". 

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Kartik Nemani joined the Group

Kartik Nemani has joined our Layered Materials and

Structures Group for his PhD studies. Welcome, Kartik!

MXenes in Indiana!

MXenes synthesis has started in Layered Materials & Structures Lab! 

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Brian Wyatt joined the Group

Brian Wyatt has joined our Layered Materials and

Structures Group for his Master's studies. Welcome, Brian!

The picture was taken at  the lab entrance (not wearing PPE)  

Publications and Illustrations in Scientific World Workshop

An editorial workshop with the theme of paper publications and illustrations was held on the first day of the 2nd MXenes Conference on May 10, 2019, in Beijing, China. Editors of international journals such as ACS Nano, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Wiley, Nano-Micro Letters shared their perspectives on paper writing and illustration preparation. Prof. Anasori was among the invited speakers, and his talk was titled "Science communication in a second: the art of making effective illustrations." In his talk, he used  "yes & no" interactive questions for all the 400-attendees.

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Keynote talk at the 2nd International Conference on MXenes 

Prof. Anasori gave a keynote talk on property-driven biomedical applications of MXenes at the 2nd International Conference on MXenes in Beijing, China on May 10-12, 2019. More than 450 researchers from around the world attended the 2019 MXenes Conference. The conference chairs were Prof. Yury Gogotsi (Drexel University) and Prof. Bin Xu (BUCT). Prof. Anasori was the chair of the International Advisory Board.


Talks on "How to write a paper" and "Ordered MXenes" at Ningbo

Ningbo Institute for Material Engineering and Technology (Babak Anasori gave two invited talks at CNITECH) in China on March 29 and April 1, 2019. The first talk was on "how to write a high-impact paper" for the students and postdocs. The second talk, which was part of the 3rd Innovative Materials Preparation and Application Research Forum, was on "ordered double transition metal MXenes. The theme of this year research forum was “layered materials” with a focus on MXenes and their precursors.

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2018 Highly Cited Researcher

For the second consecutive year, Babak Anasori has been recognized as one of the highly cited authors at Drexel University. This recognition is based on the data on Web of Science, given to authors whose journal papers were both published in 2018 and were already highly cited in the same calendar year. The Celebrating Drexel Authors event was held at the  A.J. Drexel Picture Gallery on February 22, 2019. 

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NanoArtography Exhibition at Drexel's Rincliffe Gallery

 December 14, 2018 – March 15, 2019

Co-curated by Babak Anasori and Lynn Clouser (Director of the Drexel Collection), the exhibit features materials images captured at the nanoscale and promotes materials science and nanomaterials. This is the first time that these "nano arts" are being displayed in an art gallery. The opening reception was on Friday, December 14th, 2018. The gallery is located on the third floor of Drexel Main Building (3141 Chestnut Street) at the Rincliffe Gallery and is open to the public. Read more about this event [here]


Composing Effective Research Articles Seminar

Babak Anasori gave a seminar on how to compose effective research articles by explaining how to structure different sections of a paper, and prepare scientific illustrations. This event was organized by the Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Graduate Student Association in collaboration with Drexel MRS and DGWISE. 

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SciVid 2018 Awards Ceremony 

Science in Video (SciVid) 2018 competition was held at the MRS Fall 2018 Meeting. The winners were announced at SciVid Awards Ceremony at the Hub Stage on Wednesday,  November 28, 2018. 

Watch the Awards Ceremony on



SciVid 2018 winners: Stephanie Castillo (1st place), Simge Uzun and Bilen Akuzum (2nd place), Vladislav Khayrudinov (3rd place), Antoni Forner Cuenca (accepting for Rodrigo M. Ortiz de la Morena, People’s Choice); Missing: Duanduan Han (Honorable Mention). Accompanied by Stephen Aldersley (President, GoodFellow, SciVid Co-sponsor), and  Babak Anasori, SciVid creator and chair. 

Nanomaterials and Nanomanufacturing Symposium (NM04) 

MRS Fall Meeting 2018


Babak Anasori and his co-organizers team organize a symposium Nanomaterials and Nanomanufacturing for Sustainability NM04 at the MRS Fall Meeting 2018. The symposium was the sixth largest symposium among the 56 symposia of the MRS F18 in terms of number of submitted abstracts. 


NM04 symposium organizers also created new ways of presentations and promoting poster and oral talks:

24-7-second Presentation: each presenter had the opportunity to make a short video about their research: a 7-second talk giving the first impression, followed by a 24-seconds presentation as a short pitch of the research. 24-7-seconds videos were played on an LCD screen outside the symposium room and were awarded $400 each. 

Rapid-Fire Presentation: Each poster presenter had the opportunity to give a 1-minute oral presentation during the day sessions to promote their posters. Each Rapid-Fire presenter was awarded $200. 

Best Poster Awards: Every night the top two posters were recognized as the best symposium posters and were awarded $200 and a certificate. 

Many thanks to NM04 sponsors. 


MXenes Antennas 

The first report on MXenes for wireless communication

IEEE Spectrum: Researchers Create “Spray-On” 2D Antennas [link]

Science Daily: Spray-on antennas could unlock potential of smart, connected technology [link]

Cosmos: A wearable antenna may just be a spray away [link]

The Conversation: Spray-on antennas unlock communication of the future [link]

Physics World: Spray-on antennas for the Internet of Things [link]

ACerS: Spray-on antenna is game-changer for future of Internet of Things [link]



Expansion of MXene, a Drexel-discovered 2D 

Read the story about MXene development in Exel 2018, Drexel University research magazine. [link]


NanoArtography is featured in Exel 2018

NanoArtography image competition, created and chaired by Babak Anasori, is featured in the latest issue of Exel Magazine, Drexel Research magazine. Read more here: [link]

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How to Write a Paper Seminar

Babak Anasori gave a seminar on how to write a paper, covering different steps of planning, writing, polishing, submission, and revisions. In his seminar, Babak talked about concept planning, how to structure different sections of an article, write a paragraph, make illustrations, etc. This event was organized by Drexel MRS University Chapter on July 18, 2018. 

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2017 Highly Cited Researchers

Babak Anasori has been recognized as one of the 24 highly cited authors at Drexel University in 2017. In this year, Drexel librarians identified authors whose journal papers were both published in 2017 and were already highly cited in the same calendar year. The Celebrating Drexel Authors event was held at the  A.J. Drexel Picture Gallery on February 26, 2018. [link]


SciVid Competition in MRS Bulletin, February 2018

Read about the first Science in Video Competition (SciVid) in the MRS Bulletin February 2018 issue. SciVid is a new competition that is created and chaired by Babak Anasori at the MRS Fall Meetings.  [link]


NanoArtography in Drexel Magazine, Winter-Spring 2018

NanoArtography (created and chaired by Babak Anasori) is featured on the inside cover of the Drexel Magazine, presenting one of the 3rd place winners of the 2017 competition, the number of image submissions, social media followers, prizes.  [link]


SciVid 2017 Awards Ceremony 

The first year of Science in Video (SciVid) competition was held at the MRS Fall 2017 Meeting. The winners were announced at SciVid Awards Ceremony at the Hub Stage on Wednesday, November 29, 2017. 

Watch the Awards Ceremony on


SciVid 2017 winners: 1st Place: Fabien Debort (presented by Monica Morales), 2nd Place: Chandana Kolluru, 3rd Place: Antoni Forner Cuenca, Honorable Mention: Amin Vahid Mohammadi. Accompanied by Stephen Aldersley (President, Goodfellow), and Yury Gogotsi (A. J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute), co-sponsors, with Babak Anasori, SciVid creator and chair. 


MRS Bulletin, October 2017

Read the MRS Bulletin article about Babak's interest in bringing more visibility to materials science by using artistic microscopy images  [link]


2D materials go beyond graphene

Read the cover story in Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) about different 2D materials beyond graphene [link]






Semi-conductivity between the sheets

Read about controlling the electronic properties of MXenes on Chemistry World of RSC [link]


Atomic sandwiches

Read Babak's interview with Exel about the discovery of new 2D materials MXenes [link]


Top research of 2015

Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN)featured "ordered MXenes" as one of the 2015 

"biggest moments in chemistry[link]

International innovation interview

Read Babak's interview in International Innovation about MXenes:

"Move over graphene, there are new materials on the block" [link]


ACS Nanotation video [link]

IEEE: New Method for Layering 2-D Materials [link]

Energy Harvesting Journal: Expanding possibilities for making materials that can store energy [link]

Materials Today News: Metal Sandwich solution [link]


National Geographic: Best science pictures of 2011 [link]

BBC: Science meets art [link]

MSNBC: Microscopic cliff [link]

Washington Post: Scientific wonders get Ann artistic spin [link]

Wired: Nanoscopic cliff [link]

Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb 13, 2012: Microscopic mountains [link]

Inside Science TV

Watch the video story about Babak's MXene cliff on Inside Science TV of APS



Layered Materials and Structures

  2023©Babak Anasori     

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